Central Suburbs / South Suburbs / Little Avalon


Central Suburbia 1

Regentess Theatre  (198) 3

The first floor 3

In the soup kitchen. 4

The Job Center 4

The second hand shop. 4

Riverside & Southern Suburbia 5

Twiddlescrew and Partners Clockworks Inc (804/805) 5

Corrismo – Clan Chief 5

Little Avalon 6

Gerfyn School of Steel  (901) 6

(902) Avalonian Immigrant / Traders (200) 7

Ras Apartment 7

Sara's Baked Goods (bottom floor / street entrance) - (902a) 7

Avalonian Immigrant / Traders (903) 7

Darkfriend Carrie Li - Cl 12th -Posing as Rogue 12th. 7

Lady Morningstar (LG Paladin of Ishtar and daughter of Starrider) 7

McBride Mansion (900) 8

Tower of Ralbane. 9


Central Suburbia


Central Suburbia is known as the most poor and dangerous section of the city. Mostly poor and various unwashed live here though they still are citizens and this area would be more middle class and considered safe in any other town. There are many "gabgs" in the area made up of (usually) young toughs who live in the blocks themselves.


160       Pastry Block

·        Makers of grains based foods requiring large ovens. Ovens are constantly on...

  • Mixed Immigrants (200) with over 50 hobbits
  • Gang: Claimed by the "Serpents" - See
  • 160A - Half a Loaf Bakery Outlet
  • 11


161       Oil Block

·        Makers of all types of oils in large quantities for lamps, lubrication and the like

·        Mixed Immigrants (200) with over 50 hobbits

·        Gang: Claimed by the Serpents


162       Witches Block

·        Many older people retire here, mostly women. It is unflatteringly called the witches block

·        Mixed Immigrants (200)

·        Gang: Claimed by the Serpents




163       Many Block

·        Various and many different kinds of workers live here, not having one theme.

·        Mostly restaurants on outer shops

·        Mixed Immigrants (200) and fishermen

·        Gang: Claimed by the Serpents




164 Backdoor Block

·        Various and many different kinds of workers live here, not having one theme.

·        Extra inn space, rooms and support for Screaming Griffon Inn

·        Mixed Immigrants (200)

·        Gang: Claimed by the Serpents

·        5



165       Friendship Block

·        Mostly older men retired, some retired couples, few children

·        Mixed Immigrants (200)

·        Gang: Claimed by the Serpents



166 - Heroic Block

·        Many families of heros of past wars as well as people of note

·        Safer block than most blocks as citizens here tend to be very loyal to eachother

·        Mixed Immigrants (200)

·        Gang: Claimed by no one....scared off but the Warf Dukes do have some influence (see below)

·        1a



167       Ikaris Block

·        Younger people, orphans and out of work

·        Mixed Immigrants (200)

·        Gang: Claimed by the Serpents - Headquarters in Windy Tower

·        Devils Eye - A seedy bar and inn










170    Diamond Block

  • Grand Duchy of Geoff Refugee’s
  • Gang: Warf Dukes





171    Ruby Block

  • Grand Duchy of Geoff Refugee’s
  • Gang: Warf Dukes



172    Emerald Block

  • Grand Duchy of Geoff Refugee’s
  • Gang: Warf Dukes
  • 17



173    Sapphire Block

  • Grand Duchy of Geoff Refugee’s
  • Gang: Warf Dukes
  • 9



174    Quartz Block

  • Grand Duchy of Geoff Refugee’s
  • Gang: Warf Dukes


175    Gypsum Block

  • Grand Duchy of Geoff Refugee’s
  • Gang: Warf Dukes
  • 7





176    Ruby Block

  • Grand Duchy of Geoff Refugee’s
  • Gang: Warf Dukes




180       Nine Wells Block

  • Mixed Immigrants (200)
  • Gang: Swamp Angels


181       North Wales Block

  • Mixed Immigrants (200)
  • No Gangs – Strong Ishtarian Religious Presence


182       Stonehaven Block

  • Mixed Immigrants (200)
  • Gang:  Brothers Bold


The Brothers Bold are actually a clan of brothers that live in the Stonehaven block. They are 15 brothers (all from the same mother, but not father!...a secret) in all but also many of the boys from this block of all ages have emulated this group and call themselves part of the Brothers Bold (a brother from another mother).


They tend to be bullies but also have some nobility. They seek glory and some of the oder members are already adventurers (the Screaming Griffon put some of them in their place in the year 19).


The current gang of the Brothers Bold are below…all are Lawful Neutral and tend to be persistently willing to get their asses kicked as they wont give up even after a defeat or three!


Lars (Born Yr 5)  - The oldest, he is their leader and Captain. He is the most cunning of the lot (not saying much) and is a bit effeminate.

Warrior – 2nd  HP 14   S12 I12 W12 D17 CN10 Ch 13   +5 TH

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Improved Weapon Finesse

Items: Foil, Dagger


Kerig (Born Yr 6)  Twins with Kerig, he is brutishly strong. That’s all…except he was first out of their mother and it drives Merig crazy!

Warrior – 4st  HP 32  S19  I9  W9  D10  CN13  Ch10

Feats: Weapon Focus – Sword, Power Attack,Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike

Items: Club, Dagger


Merig (Born Yr 6)  

Warrior – 4st  HP 28  S19  I9  W9  D10  CN13  Ch10

Feats: Weapon Focus – Sword, Power Attack,Cleave, Improved Grapple

Items: Club, Dagger


Kalloran (Born Yr 7)

Thief 3  Warrior 1 - HP 30   S 10 I12 W9 D19 Cn13 Ch12

Kalloran has been recruited by Bas’s contacts and is being trained as thief. He actually has a job in the corner bar in the Stonehaven Block run by one of Bas’s contacts and they are covertly bringin him along. His Brother suspect something but say nothing as that is the lotalty they show.  Hide: +7  MS: +7  Pick Pocket: +6  Bluff: +3

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Improved Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Dirty Fighting, Improved Intiative

Items: Club, Dagger


Vegn (Born Yr 7)  - Irish Twins with KalloranVegn is actually half-orc. His mother was raped but never revealed this terrible secret. Vegn is a dark person who is thinking evil thoughts but is still towing the brother line.

Warrior Level 1 - S19 I10 W10 Dx 12 Cn 18 Ch 8  HP12

Feats: Weapon Focus – Sword, Power Attack

Items: Club, Dagger




183       Wiltenshire Block

  • Keoland Refugees (200)
  • Gang: Forty Thieves


184       Bowery Block

  • Mixed Immigrants (200)
  • Gang: Bowery Boys


185       Ruby Block

  • Grand Duchy of Geoff Refugee’s
  • Gang: Dead Rabbits


186       South Wales Block

  • Keoland Refugees (200)
  • Gang: Forty Thieves


187    Cambridge Block

  • Keoland Refugees (200)
  • Gang: Forty Thieves


190    Henchmen Block

  • Very roomy housing for Shield Knight servants for Shield Knight district
  • Gang: Well Wishers


191       Servants Block

  • Housing for Shield Knight servants for Shield Knight district



192       Merchant Population & Families - various cities (200)

  • Gang: Shirt Tails




193       Merchant Population & Families - various cities (200)

  • Gang: Broadway Twisters


194       Merchant Population & Families - various cities (200)


195       Merchant Population & Families - various cities (200)


196       Merchant Population & Families - various cities (200)


197       Merchant Population & Families - various cities (200)


Regentess Theatre  (198)        


This large section is used primarily for the entertainment of the masses. Minstrels, musicians and various entertainers are employed to put on shows for the populace. Should the patron be unable to pay the cost is absorbed by the Regentess. As so many entertainers and bards come to train with the druids there is a wide selection to choose from. Further, the druids also "recommend" the bards do some charity work during their studies.


The Theatre holds 500 people with a stage like most Shakespearian types. There are 3 tiers of balconies with the upper tiers reserved for the paying customers. The front row seats are amongst the throngs (standing) and thus the best seats are usually free!


The first floor of the structure will have a ticket office at the door. Tickets will be required whether or not you are a paying patron. Once a ticket is given a map of the building is included. The map will detail a shelter for homeless people. There will be approx 50 cots with a separate area for wash basins and facilities including clean towels and soap. On the side of the shelter there will be a soup kitchen. Inclusive of the kitchen is tables and chairs. Many of the patrons would be asked, but not required to assist in cooking and cleaning the kitchen and sleeping faculties during their stay. There would be second hand shop for patrons to pay for unwanted clothing. The pay or lack thereof would be based on income or amount of money available. The clothing would be donated from the towns people, church or wandering parties looking to shed belongings at no cost to the store. Next to the store there will be a job placement/skill training center. In order for jobs to be given to people there will be some sort of application and personnel check. Morgana would like to have a room where the applications are collected from individuals to have a continual detect illusion, detect magic (David) and with some help from Father Oberon a constant check for lies. Morgana will always perform a sense motive check on every individual applying. Morgana does not want to have any business in Selid-din to be taken advantage of by her theatre. Another section of the building will be for the players. They will have an area to practice and stay for a short time. This area would include an area to rehearse in, a dressing area, and a prop area. There will also be an area for the players to sleep in if needed. This is sleeping arrangement if needed will come at a cost. Lastly, there will be a room with an alter to pray to and thank Manwe.


In the soup kitchen (lead by Dame Woldenold, NG 55 yr old peasant 3rd lvl with a wicked spoon and +15 cook check) and a few paupers helping which can feed 250 people a day. She is a tough old woman who once was heard to tell the Great Druid "If you own everything, including the garbage...you take it out!". Rumor has it the Great Druid did indeed take it out.


The Job Center, where Drew Brimsteel ( Neutral Thief - 1st level - Briarberry Guild) keeps track of all the businesses who need help and those looking for a job. He knows just about every face in town an has a Local Knowledge skill +12 and Sense Motive +5. He runs the applications if Morgana is not around and assist in finding people work. He seldom leaves the room where the Continual Detect Magic / Lies / Illusions are going as it helps him a great deal in negotiations!


The second hand shop is run by Claire Ohmsford (Peasant 3st lvl HP 12 Ch 14 Align NG) who is a nice girl who sometimes watches the children as well during shows (runs a daycare). She has the Ghost of her father, Jacob, watching over her and he will attack anyone who tries to hurt her.


The Regentess often helps run the theatre and can be found here when in town. If not in town, the business does not do as well and the Regentess often has to pay 500gp per week to keep the doors open. There are always 20 Footman (3rd lvl Warriors) and a Lt (5th lvl) Shield Knight.




Riverside & Southern Suburbia



Twiddlescrew and Partners Clockworks Inc (804/805)


TwiddleScrews Clan (450 total – 300 productive)

  • 300 Experts Lvl1
  • 150 Commoners supporting women/children in non-production capacity)
  • 15 3rd lvl Serjeants
  • 15 5th lvl Lieutenants
  • 9 7th lvl Capatains
  • 3 9th lvl Clan Elders (Illusuonsist all)
  • 15 Dire Badgers (4-9HD)

Corrismo – Clan Chief (Ft 9th, Illusionist 9th) – Illusions support his fighting style

    • Rides a 16HD Trained and Charmed Bullette (Boris)

Girdle of Buleete Riding allows him to follow when tunneling


Little Avalon


Gerfyn School of Steel  (901)


This is a huge place that is off the beaten path. The Lordess of Steel, Charis built tower tops, partially filled steel foundation, gates, ladders, swords and bow tips. Charis as well as providing training also lives in this block.


The school will provides the following training: archery , 2-weapon fighting, fighting with and w/o magic, bow fighting. This will also include jumping and tumbling while in battle. Also, Sulla trains students with a spear 2x/year in a special guest role. There is an archery field and a jousting field with stables for the horses. There is a room of non-magic weapon fighting with the help of David (room with Detect Magic permanent). With the help of the Hobbits and Bas there is now a underground area of small tunnels with wide openings for tunnel fighting training. 


There will be training available for 2nd level fighters and higher. Boarding will be available for the trainees at a cost. There are also rooms available for the trainers. There will be a kitchen available. The cost of training will be based on the beginning level of the fighter. The cost is 500/lvl.  


There is a  first aide office (+4 healing Checks and 3 Ex Heal potions)). From time to time Charis garners a Ring of Regeneration for "special " death  training (they are actually killed). Father Oberon sits in on all serious matches and the monthly "testing". There are banners that are strategically placed throughout the guild that gives thanks to Lord Darnock, the greatest of all Steel Lords. There is also a small room with kneeling chairs and an alter to give thanks and praise to the Solarian. In this room is a copy of the Book of Five Rings (Holy Book of Fighting written by Loric Vilesilencer - signed copy). This room is Hallow (5th lvl Cleric Spell) and has a PF Evil and permanent Deaths Door. Anyone rushed to this room the round after death will stay at Deaths Door as per the spell.


The following is the list of Trainers:


Roy - Charis Older Brother - Fighter 9th lvl – Runs school with Charis


Lt Ritchie (former Big Red One) - Fighter 14th level - Excellent at Small Scale Tactics (+34)


Antonio of Glen Finnan (specialized in 2 handed fighting @ 6th lvl) -


Duncan of Glen Finnan  (specialized in 2 handed fighting @ 6th lvl) -


Basinio of Glen Finnan  (specialized in 2 handed fighting @ 6th lvl) –


Killed - Cador the Retarded Janitor – Cleric/Thief of Iuz 3/6th lvl (Well loved and unobtrusive)

            Lawful Evil – Many poisons and has escape hole to outside school


Common Visitors:

Malway Gerfyn (Father) – 20th lvl Fighter

Rob Gerfyn – Huge fighter – 9th lvl

Ron Gerfyn – Small Guy (Little Hoss) – Dex based – 9th lvl


***There is a rumor that, in the June of the Year 18 Loric Vilesilencer instructed the trainers of the School. All trainers present received a +18 on their instruction skill, may teach ANY warrior feat even though they do not possess it and the ability to "Measure of the Warrior" spell at will. This is a true rumor.


Combined2[1]***There is also a rumor that Loric refused to fight or train Charis on the grounds of her own school. Oberon recorded his words: "This Son is no fool, Charis of Steel. I will not fight you in your School where the Wheel and the Web of Fate say you cannot lose!"


***All fighters who train here receive a free Feat “Force Sensitivity”. This is due to the influences of Kathlun in the year 20 when Kathlun spent 6 months here.


(902) Avalonian Immigrant / Traders (200)

Ras Apartment

It is amongst these traders that a mage called "Ras" has an apartment. He is the alter ego of Starrider and is sometimes known as his "son".  Oberon Falconbridge maintains his apartment and sometime masquerades as him to insure his cover is not blown. The apartment has nothing of value but is "Hallow" as per 5th lvl cleric Spell. Permanent PF Fire.


Sara's Baked Goods (bottom floor / street entrance) - (902a)

A father/mother/daughter team of Bakers from Avalon live here and have moved their shop from Manetherin to Beer and now here following Ligurius (and his funding). Sara is the Protector of the Druids as elected by the Magistrates.


The daughter,  Sara,  is the reincarnation of a woman Liguarius was courting. This woman was forced via a Trell / Vecna curse to attempt to assassinate Liguarius while he slept. Liguarius killed the assassin only to learn he had killed his betrothed. Starrider, then the high priest of  Loric, caused her to immediately be reborn as Sara Lee Baker. Liguarius watched the birth. When Liguarius left Avalon for the Celadon, the Bakers cam with him and setup a profitable in a keep near Beetu bakery (With secret funding from Liguarius) Sara does not yet know Liguarius was her betrothed or any of the past. To him he is the very nice man who is a friend of her parents and who gives her nice things. She likes to bake special things for him when he visits..She still is too young for him, but Liguarius waits patiently. (ST 8 ,INT 11, WIS 10, DEX 14, CON 14, CHA 17) Current stats, may improve as she matures.



Avalonian Immigrant / Traders (903)


Darkfriend Carrie Li - Cl 12th -Posing as Rogue 12th - Ch 19 - HP 86) who lives alone and moved here looking for her "roots" in Oerth. Trying to gain foothold in city.


Lady Morningstar (LG Paladin of Ishtar and daughter of Starrider)

She was raised by the church of Ishtar and is a paladin of Ishtar (lawful good). She is 7th lvl (Nick has stats and detail writeup). She is a daughter of Starrider and one of the Istaritu. (he slept with a prostitute while in Babylon, in Yr 4 and she had a fertility spell cast on her that guarantees a child!). It is surprising who has babies among the istaritu that have been raised by the church.

Holy Sword (Starwar) that, in addition to being able to kick ass, can create a wall of force that glows with starlight called the Starward. She bears a Holy Symbol that allows her be monitored by the church, it can do a cure serious twice per day. She has a +5 defender, and a pseudo-dragon (Willy) who has bonded with her and provides her with various speak with animals, free action, etc. powers.


She currently leads a small but determined band of fighters and priests (Leadership score) who seek to bring Manwe in to the pantheon of the Theocaracy.



McBride Mansion (900)

On the opposite side to the kitchen across the hallway is

Stairs lead to the first floor landing, with the master bedroom to the left with double bed, en-suite bathroom with shower, bathtub and dressing room. There is a separate WC next to the dressing room and the bedroom.

gameHouseLiving roommaster bedroommaster 2



The landing leads to 2 further bedrooms, one with double bed and dressing room; the other with 2 single beds.


Kitchenthrid beddouble bed


On the opposite side is a large bathroom with WC, 2 washbasins, bidet, shower, and circular bathtub.

A door leads into the west wing, creating a private suite, with 2 Wizard Labs, one of which has a Mirror of Mental Powerless, leading off the hallway as well as a separate WC and a bathroom with shower and washbasin.


Tower of Ralbane

            A small tower is within the compound that contains a 2-way, 10ft fixed Gateway to the Mage Towers in the Estate if Ralbane near Rel-Mord. It is guarded by 10 Shield Knights (1st) and a Lt (4th) as well as Davids protections. All mages of the Council of Selid-Din are allowed to pass freely 1/day (more at Davids whim). Mages who always go to Ralbane are:

  • Morganna & Helen her servant (she reads a womens magazine, not spellbook)
  • David
  • Vlad
  • Corrimni (Elvish Mage of Elven Kings Court)
  • School of the Plane Wizard (Church of Ishtar mage)


One of the Shield Knights is a Darkfriend. Alliances unknown.