City Park

excerpt_mop8Isle of the First Citizen (6)


Rumor has it that this is the true location of the Ellcrys. A beautiful golden sapling has been seen on the island. Often the isle is shrouded in mists when the Great Druid desires privacy.


Spell protections Include:

1.     FOC in entire area

2.     Ward of Warning keyed to will of Great Druid

3.     Hallow Spell (30th lvl) with Protection from Evil

4.     Hallow Spell (30th lvl) with Druidsbane


Pond and Stream of Druids

Any water taken from here Purifies itself every round (River Elemental essence). This is from a powerful River Elemental that dwells in the ground water that was defeated and contained. The water purifies itself at a very high level.



  • Hasham - These are seven desert rangers who are 7th level (CR12 with items and training). They were sent in the year 21 after the attack on the Tree by the Forsaken with Colorless Fire. They have the ability to sense the presence of the fire and monitor the park and city for just this case. They live with Hacdeshani.
    1. Taught by Ishtarian Druids, have a NG outlook and are fanatical in tree defense.
    2. Rough and tumble with poor initial reaction (think Strider) they have never learned to swim and fear the water. To overcome that fear, and ward from the Colorless Fire, they guard the City entrance to the Water Table.
    3. All clothes below of SandDruidic make (Istarian) in concert with Mentat Masters.
      1. All work in Antimagic shell of Haq'Deshani (not general Antimagic)
      2. Clothes ofthe Hasham(Robe of Eyes),
      3. Cloak of the Hasham +6 Dex/+6 Const/+6 Str and Feats Great Reflex, Fort, Will
      4. Ring of Protection and Reistance +6
      5. Boots of Free Movement/Speed 10rds/day /Flight 1/day+4 Intiative/Doublestep feat/Hustle Power
      6. Scimitar of Hasham +6 Adamnatine / Lordsfire (adds Wisdom in damage per strike) - Grants Improved Critical
      7. Dagger of Hasham +6 Iron Dagger / If used with Scrimitar, becomes +10 th and Lordsfire from both)
      8.    Sharpness of small pieces (1-4 finger, 5 - hair, 6- toe, 7-nose, 8-ear, 10-eye). If used together, grant the other blade its special power.
      9. Beard Blade of Psionic Energy - 20pts (need feat as they are not psionic)


Other Guards Include:

  • Treants – Maximized in HP and often with supporting spells
  • Shambling Mounds – Many, many, many
  • Rangers – Usually 2-5 Rangers of 1st-20th lvl each visiting Isle
  • White Apes!


Gazebo - Central Park (8)


The Central Park was designed for the Citizens to have as much fun with nature as possible, All the non-dangerous and interesting plants from the deep Forest are here. The effects of the various plants are on signs nearby. Things like psychedelic mushrooms and toads, odd flavored fruits, vegetables and seasonings are all found here.

Holy Pool of the City / Wishing Well

Opening leads to underground river system of rivers that are controlled by Druids. Underground river flows are controlled via a Massive Water Elemental (100HD+…no one is sure) who answers to the will of the Great Druid. It will clear passages of the river to allow for passage or to act as a safe area for citizens. The rivers run underground to all parts of the Forest (and beyond?). The pool refreshes the water system in the park as well keeping it fresh (high level Purify Water)

1.     95 Druid Spell Levels

2.     Hallow with PF Evil

3.     Permanent Druidsbane


In addition, fairies will often listen to wishes and may grant them (in various ways) as their whim takes them. A nerid is also here to protect the well.





Dojang of the Dragon (7)


A private training ground for Kath-Ki-Do monks.


Kath - Ki - Do

"The way of Kouthlun toward Universal Energy and Enlightenment" 



  • Master Padawan of Roc
  • 3 x 6th lvl Monks
  • 20 1st-2nd lvl Monks


Within the pristine grove in the city of the Selid-Din, a simple Temple of learning has been built. Here, the Way of the Dragon is taught to those chosen few. It is difficult to find and may only be seen by those the Druids allow. Otherwise a Hallucinatory Forest makes the area seem as another copse of trees. Poisonous snakes also abound in the grove area and signs are posted to this effect to protect the unwary. 


The Temple is a simple bamboo affair (a strange wood for the Oerth area but common enough in the Celadon). It rises 15 feet in the air with bamboo and paper like walls and a red clay roof. The walls all have beautiful paintings of the various dragons of the world. The floor is a beautiful lacquered wood. Their is a simple porch all they way around and double sliding doors on each wall facing north, south, east and west. 


Within their is but a single 100 x 100 room. There are few reed bedrolls and simple blankets stored on one corner. Another wall is covered with various (monk) weapons (5 of each). Yet another wall bears a painting of Kouthlun and a small shrine. Near Kouthlun painting along the ceiling perimeter is a painting of Alexander (all masters paintings will be placed here eventually). 

In the center floor is a carving of the Mandragorin symbol. It stands 12ft tall and is a red marble. Many snakes (poisonous and other) live here and are kept up by the monks. As the disciples sleep here as well, they do learn a heightened awareness as the snakes like to curl up with the sleeping monks! 

Code of the Way of the Dragon

1. Be true to thy self

2. Be true to thy Masters

cartoon-fighter13. Use thy art as a tool for peace

4. Respect all ways...sanction none

5. Respect all people and Gods

6. Adhere to the old ways of training 

Rules of the Dojang

(Dojang = Place of learning or the way of learning in Haruchai)

Fists and Faith - No magic powers or items are to be employed during training or allowed in Dojang

Validation of Leadership - The Master shall demonstrate right to station by regular combat

Battle test - All students may challenge Master to attain right of ascension to Master 

Unfettering - Master only may decide when students are released form service

Discipleship - Only a Master may teach

Cultural Identity - Only Haruchai is spoken in the Dojang

Strict Loyalty - Master will guide a willingly the student or kill him - to disobey means failure which means death

Poverty - A student shall give up all they own and bear no more wealth than they may carry

Self-Reliance - Master shall approve all magic to be used by students