Staff of Mhoram
Staff powers:
The staff works best for someone of Mhoram’s lineage - Gains Foresight (q.v.) when held.
May scry on any relative (+20) and may use Consequence power (see below) on any of their actions even if only viewed through scry. While the staff does not reveal its powers instantly to those outside the lineage, bearers will find themselves using a power when it is most appropriate. (their free will from the future)
Good Deeds (may always do these 3 good deeds as a free action)
Take another’s harm unto yourself (touch)
Any spells cast with the staff have the Good aspect to them (cant cast evil spells)
Freedom of choice (constant on self, affects another while touching them)
Glimpses of the future (triggered by DM)
Single important events may be foreseen at almost any distance. Usually triggered when something happens to set them in motion.
Consequence (triggered by DM or character) 1/day max (can init with a will save)
Can know the consequences of a particular action after that action has occurred.
Druidic spells cast are treated as per 10 levels higher for purposes of dispelling.
DCs are increased by 4 and the spell is treated at 1 level higher (same effects)
3/week bearer can expend 1,000xps to make 1 spell Permanent (any type incl. MU)
Ø while holding the staff can will to have foreseen a particular event that is occurring
Takes bearer back to a point in history depending on how much energy expended
Must make a will save, and MUST expend as many spell levels as the will save or character goes ito a coma and dies within 1 week.
Will save DC: (must expend equivalent number of spell levels)
DC 20-30 1 rnd back (every 1 above 20 adds +1 initiative)
DC 31-35 2 rounds back (every 1 above 30 is +1 inititive)
Vision is very real! Any wounds, expenditures, etc still affect the staff holder (but no one else) still down spells cast, items used, hit points, etc as if it just happened.
visions are VERY real, the first few he will just think they are happening – just describe the occurrence on his initiative and allow him to act/waste spells.
When taken back to that point, only bearer remembers that future. Will find that history tends to repeat itself – rolls may or may not repeat themselves (for minor stuff it doesn’t matter), for major stuff, same rolls. Will also find that history tends to COMPENSATE i.e. rolls may get harder or things might happen to ake that fate almost unavoidable. For pivotal things to change bearer may also have to make a DC check equal to or better than the original for something different to take place (don’t need to expend spells) this may negate some of the compensation effects. This save is while such events happen.
Using this power is very mentally taxing. Sometimes (DM’s choice) after events transpire their final time, the character may even FORGET that the power was used or what he did differently (since he effectively lived through it twice). As a second option, the DM may always say, you did go back, took precaution X (e.g. casting a Death’s Guard on so-and -so), and completely forgot about it, then events transpired normally.
Side effect of the staff: minor forgetfulness (does some things without remembering them)