Fall of Sheol Satansfist

During the a battle to get to Ak-Haru Vader, Lorocus is heavily wounded and falls deep within a bit. He is close to death. Ak-Haru Vader tells Kothlun that there is a outstanding issue amongst the Hucharachi people and convinces him to issue a declaration to unmake a blade. The blade turns out to be Krill and upon its destruction, Lorocus goes mad. Kothlun defeats Vader and attains the Ak-Haru-ship and the Solarian intervenes to rescue Lorocus. When the Solarian arrives, Satan is whispering in Lorocus's ear.

Part 1:
Lorocus is kept in a state of uconciousness by the Solarian until some cure can be found. Satan travels to Avalon and faces Manwe. They parlay (Starrider, you may want to check your notes on this. Satan always has interesting things to say). He claims the Grand Druid as his prize. Satan uses an unlimited wish to bring Lorocus to a distant location where rituals are begun. Fearing no way to prevent Satan from simply recasting an unlimited wish to reclaim Lorocus if he is rescued, the Solarian sends Manwe and Alexander to rescue Lorocus, hoping that Satan would not use the unlimited wish around white gold. Lorocus is saved but Alexander becomes somehow tied to the spirit world.

Part II:
Having no counter, Satan begins ot use the Unlimited Wish without
restraint. He begins to reconquer the Nine Hells of the Avalon/Greyhawk
Dimension. Liguarious steps down as Great Druid of the Celladon Forest and
begins his quest to become Grand Druid. He makes contact with several groups
of druids and successfully gains their recognition. Manwe and the Solarian
propose that perhaps Krill was not actually destroyed - or if it was
destroyed here, it may not have been destroyed in its actual incarnation
that Dimensionally projects from the Land. A party is assembled to travel to
the Land to find Lorocus's body, find a means to heal him, and find a means
to transfer the Power of Command / Grand Druidship so there is a counter to
Satan's unlimited wish. Manwe, Kothlun, Liguarious, Brinn, and Cade travel
to Hell to find a portal that the Solarian believes may contain Mhoram's
staff. Mhoran had the staff when he went into the portal but did not have it
when he came out. The party goes and faces two Powers, one of Satan's armies
and one of Azmodeus's. They manage to get through the portal and find
themselves in a different dimension where evil cannot exist. Earthpower CAN
exist there but it is not native to the world. This fact is unexplained.
Several 'spy-shades' of Vecna are revealed and destroyed andthe party
recovers Mhorma's staff unknowing what it does. From there they travel
directly to the Land.

Part III: Arrival in the Land
The party arrives in the Land to find Revelstone unmade. In its place is a
tall statue of "the Prover of Life" (Lorocus) and a shrine underneath. The
shrine is a great library of druidic knowledge but turns out to also be a
trap. A statue of Coreena charms and mezmerizes party members even when
protected by Freedom of Choice. Kresh attack. The Kresh are led by Hattachk
Kresh - ancient wolven soldier's of Foul's armies. Cade is wounded by the
morale poison and becomes sick.

Part IV: Travel
The party travels south in search of people. They encounter a hermits
cave and eventually are led to a combat between a group of bandit looking
types that revere Lord Foul who are fighting against Hucharachi. The party
aids the hucharachi at first but later learn the Hucharachi have been
affected by eating meat taken from slaiughtered Ranhyn. Quellin stops his
group from attacking the party after noticing Cade's half hand (an
unforseen? side effect of the item the Solarian gave Cade). They travel to
Kinsdoor and are greeted by the Ranhyn. The party learns that the Lords are
now based in Ridject Partain, control the Hucharachi, capture and breed
Ranhyn, and are in a loose war with the resistance groups in the western

Part V. The party travels east and south towards Doriender Corishev to find
healing for Cade's morale poison. They encounter more Hucharachi and the
Lord Coraam, whome they defeat. They learn that some of the Lords know Old
Lord magics. Liguarious learns that the Old Lord spells do not work quite
the way he has seen Lorocus do them outside the Land. They actually make a
little more sense here. Upon arrival, the party is immediately let into the
fortress of the Tribe of Seven Thunders. Ubenounst to them, their leader had
been forewarned of the parties arrival by Variol. They are given a scroll to
take to him.

Part VI. Doriender Corishev is attacked. The dead Old Lord, Loric
Vilesilencer arrives at Doriender Corishev ad attacks the city and the
party. The city is destroyed and the party is nearly killed. They escape
with the help of Sarek, a dead former comrade of Kothlun who escaped Hell
just to aid the party. The Party learns that seven planes of hell exist in
the land and they 'escape' to the first. Maven, the Shan Mark of the Seven
Thunders Tribe, relates that the Tribe has gone to Mount Thunder for one
great battle against Drool Rockworm. She relates that a prophesy was
delievered by a giant to High Lord Variol centuries ago that foretold of an
Ur-Vile recieving the Power of Command and usig it to wreck havok and
destory the land. The Seven Thunders Tribe was started by Variol to prepare
for that day and face him once what was already prophesized came to pass.
She thenn gives the party a scroll that was given to her for the party
(dameleon's door AND a secretly iscribed Epic Spell on the back). Learning
that regular magic works in Hell, Starrider is able to gate the party to the
'astral' plane (actually a combination of the astral and ethereal planes
found only in the Land). Cade however does not awaken. The morale poison
progressed much faster and farther while in Hell. While on the Estral plane,
Starrider recieves an incomming mental telepathy form outside the Land. The
contact is one way only and from Manwe. Manwe relates that much time has
passed and they are worried. Satan is quickly solidifying his possition and
Lorocus is worse. It is feared he will awaken soon. The Solarian also
relates that it appears, whiel Lorocus was in the hands of Satan's Minions,
the Nightshade made a dark bargain with him. In return for him having Krill
back the way it was, Lorocus would become evil. ot knowig the party's
status, but wishing to aid the party, Alexander Krestor is sent to the Land
at the lorcation of Revelstone. Starrider is able to open a gateway into the
mists surounding the Collosus of the Rise and brings Alexander to the party.
From there, the party exits the Estral plane to the Andelainian swamp.

Part VII: The party arrives in the Andelainian swamp ad learns that the foul
waters from the sarangrave swamp have been draining through Mount Thunder
and into Andelain. Andelain however, still remains pure due in part to the
efforts of an unseen/invisible Forestall who has been breeding and planting
great sequoia-redwood trees in the water to soak up the toxins. Some of the
trees however have become tainted and attack the party. The party is aided
by the unseen Forestall and other good treants. The party travels to Mount

Part VIII: The party arrives at Mount Thunder and Liquarious uses a scroll
of World's Breath stolen from Loric, to enshroud the party and gain access.
They face two Lords - Kormuth and Berlain as well as their Bloodguard. They
manage to bind Kormuth to the Oath of Peace and convert (but must imprison)
Berlaine. The party then enters into Mount Thunder and faces three Ur Vile
Wedges. Barely escaping with their lives, the party retreats deep within the
bowels of Mount Thunder using worms summoned by Liguarious. They are chased
by cavewights and learn that the Viles have been freed to walk the land
again. They learn some of the lay of the area and make egress into the Ur
Vile complex. The party stumbles upon the Ur-Vile prisons and find and free
Variol Farseer. Starrider give shim Mhoram's Staff and Variol uses it. This
is why he forsaw the party arriving in the land and how he knew to warn the
Shanmoark of their arrival and give them a scroll of the spells he would
need to complete his quest against Drool. Variol relates some of the
Commandments already issued by Drool and joins the party for the final

Part IX: Using Dameleon's Door to travel into the chamber of Earthsblood and
enter into Drool's Chamber form a 'backdoor', the party marches on. Battle
ensues and Drool Rockworm is defeated. Variol disappears or is killed. The
lorewardens of the Seven Tribes Callindrells as well as five giants are
freed form captivity by the party and accompany the party. The treasure
trove is raided and the party makes its way down to a lower chamber where
the body of Dameleon Giantfriend is located. More items are recovered and an
evil staff is located. The party learns that Dameleon came here long ago and
faced the Viles here and died in a great battle. A volcanic eruption is
triggered by the party as the lava reaches the Ur Vile laboratories. The
party and former captives heroically escape.

Part X. The party and entrouage is met by the Giants and the Ranhyn led by
Star. They enter into a giant camp on the eastern side of the continent. The
Giants tell a three day tale: Part I tells the story of Coreena and her
summoning of the Elohim Glimmermere. Part II tells the story of the Elohim's
appaointment of a group of 12 to deal with the problems caused by the
Overlord and their travel to the Giants and the subsequent formation of an
armada that sojourns ot the land to fight the overlord. Part III tells the
story of their fight against the Overlord, the capturing of several Elohim,
and the currentn state of affairs. The party remains with the Giants for a
total of 14? days and spend several of them strategizing a plan to face

Part XI. The Elhim, while evesdropping on the planning session, devise their
own plan. They summon Alexander and, using their powers, forge him into some
sort of weapon against Lorocus. They inform the party that this will draw
Lorocus to Alexander (hopefully without more Elohim). An Elohim becomes a
river and the party is sent on the Waverider with 4 giants and Esharonson,
towards an encampment south of Ridject Partain. Something hapens and the
party arrives instead AT the entrance to Ridject Thome (although they
believe its is to Ridject Partain).

Part XII. The party parlays with a Lord named Mhoram Lighthope. They learn
he is Lorocus's son (one of triplets) by Lorocus's daughter, Lena Lighthope.
Mhoram assures them that Lorocus has been in command every step of the way
and things will unfold exactly according to his plan. The party is offered
entrance into the Mountain, which they accept and are subsequently attacked
by the Lords and the Bloodguard. More and more Bloodguard are sent in to
attack the party including the First, Second, and Third Mark. The First Mark
is defeated but not killed, all the rest are killed. The party stumbles upon
a Gallery in the complex> the gallery looks like it has been used as an art
studio by someone trying to emulate Kothlun's style. Various items are
found and it is observed thatsoem pictures are missing. The party sees a
strange protrait of Lorocus in a chamber with windows and several people -
three cloaked figures, Lena Lighthope and Mhoram Lighthope. Three time storm
instances are observed, as well as a great stone it e middle of the room
(blue and filled with what looks like earthpower), the Staff of Law, and
Krill. As the view in the picture changes with Lorocus's movements the party
sees a mirror on the opposite wall of Lorocus's chamber and the mirror
depicts the large stone as the illearth stone. Lorocus parlays with the
party for a while explaining that his goals are good but they are imperitive
and that there are some costs. Kothlun must restore honor to the Hucharachi
peopele by killing every last Bloodguard of the Vow. he sends 5 bloodguard
in to attack and Alexander unleashes his father's Gift of Fates to Kothlun,
inspiring him to be the Ak-Haru and command the Bloodguard to lay down their
fists. The Bloodguard are converted and become immune to the Power of
Command effects that Lorocus used to control the Bloodguard. They parley
more. In the overall morale calculations he is doing the right thing. he
plans to unmake the crystal - face the creator and give the creator his due
and remake the crystal as he (Lorocus) chooses. Almost similar to the
Solarian's accomplishment. He asks for the party's help. He does clearly
have some flaws -- his methods seem very extreme and pretty malevolent.
Lorocus is 'helping' Alexander's mom to kill herself and Kothlun deduces
that one of the other cloaked figures is Sara Lee Baker, Liguarious's love.
A ritual is begun and the giant Dimwold describes the ritual as the party
does its thing. Kothlun uses his knowledge of Dimesnional mechanics that he
gained by the book Baba Yagga helped him get access to (the libraries at
Melderyn had hidden it form him before his arrival) to learn that a device
cetral in the room appears merge related. Grak Demontooth has enetered the
room and is helping Lorocus. While this is occuring, Starrider uses
Alexander as a medium to convery a freedom spell which allows the souls
trapped within the wall to enter his body, they are still unnable to free
the binding until Alexander drinks fromt he Cup of Kings. Liguarious does a
ceremony and 6,000 souls are relased from the walls of Ridject Thome! While
this is occuring Mhoram Lighthope enters with 15 Bloodguard to try to stop
the party. Brin and Kothlun face them but Brin is shut down by the words
Gaolong Isade Vadin - which he learns is part of the words used in the
earthpower magics that CREATED the vow. Mhoram Lighthope, and his
Bloodguard, are heroically defeated single handedly by Kothlun. Mhoram
retreats and leaves the scene. The party frees the souls from the walls and
the Giant, using an artifact necklace he gained formt he giants at the camp,
opens up a hallway through the stone directly to Lorocus in Ridject Partain.

Part XIII -
To be determined....
Lorocus Speech to the Party before Battle

"Choice makes all things possible. It is interesting we have been imbued with freewill and then told to abide by the Creators will or be damned. That does not really make for much of a choice, does it?

Choice is given as is a sense of right and wrong. There are those poor insane bastards who don't hear the angels in their heads and only the devils...but most of us hear them both and choose. But its not one choice, its millions. Every day, day after day, we make the choice. Its a tight rope that brings stress, pain, doubt and misgiving. A tight rope I am sick of walking.

The Creator only places those burdens on us which we can bear. But what if we don't want to bear them? We have only one choice then...disobey and be evil. We are children of a parent that will not let us grow up. We must obey for all time. The creator has been called father...but as we strive for purpose in this "crystal" ...this prison...I see him now as my jailor.

And I want out.

I have grown tired of the voices of my better angels. The pain and stress they have brought, and the guilt because of my failures, is weight I dont care to carry. Good and evil are the choices I am given. I am tasked with challenge after challenge. Why is everyone surprised when I break?"