Current Lords
Lord Elder Quellin Varis-mate (mid to late 30s)
Loreworker (12th
Fighter (5th)
Quietly reveres what the Lords could be, outwardly despises them
Will often intone some of the lands heroes “in the name of Lord foul”
Descended from the bandit rangers (a group that descended form the bandit kings)
Staff – White Ash staff with gold shods +2 DCs of all spells, Stoneshape 3/day
Lomilor rod – Twins wood spells, maximizes them, and double durration
Hide: +31 with spells, casting from distance, using his gravelingas stone to cast through the stones that each bandit member wears (must be within 90ft)
Entangle (DC 20) , ground to mud, mudtrap (DC 23),
greater entangle (when sunk) (DC 24+4 cuircumstance bonus = 28)
cure serious wounds 3d8+3 or on bandits as needed
will be the one who sees Cade as Berek Halfhand
molten arrow(s) (wood spell) 6th
does extra damage (+d4 to hit/damage – can place 1 per lvl – may have several on one arrow, max 10 ) – 10d4 doubled using lomilor rod = 20d4 (ouch!) – maximized == +80 pnts of heat/fire damage
transmute to wood (wood spell)5th – requires a lomillor rod with wanhym metal
(otherwise spell would work outside the dimension without that)
STRONG SMELL OF WOOD preceeds effect - will transmute a Bloodguard first.
Feats: Dodge,maximize spell, Extend spell, Enlarge spell,Spell Focus (stone),Greater spell focus (stone)
May do forbidding, healthsense, Lords Fire
6 of quellings gravelingas stones (worn on patches my party members)
- from quellins gravelingas bowl, may see out of the stones and
- may cast ay spells out of the stones as if he were standing at stone
stone must be carried by willing, living being, must be within 90ft range
1st x6 Harden ( +1 to staff), Mend stone, Rocklight, Sharper (+1 per 3 lvls, max +5 ) to stonedonor dagger, Woodshearts fire (wood on fire but not consumed), Entangle
2nd x5 Treehouse, animal messenger, barkskin ,Quickness, cure light
3rd x5 Spike growth, spikestones, neutralize poison x2
4th x4 Earth root (planted in ground, can do touch at a distance),Cure serious, paralyzation (touch) will save, rillinlure heal (gets more healing out of rillinlure dust depeding on casting time) max +6d6 with 1 hr
5th x4 commune with nature, transmute rock to mud x2, transmute flesh to wood
6th x3 Fire arrors x3
Feats: Improved parry, dodge, mobility, spring attack, whirlwind attack,Spell focus (wood),Spell focus (stone),Greater spell focus (stone),Greater Spell focus (wood),Skill focus (spellcraft) , now at +35),Epic spellcasting
1st x7 Rocklight, ceremonyx2, luciouss rustling leaves, entangle, heat metal, Detect snares and pits, OLD LORD DETECT MAGIC, OLD LORD ROCKLIGHT
2nd,x7 barkskin, adrenalin surge, cure light x4, OLD LORDS WINDBOLT
3rd x6 call lightningx3, contagion, doom fog, stonelore,
4th x 5 cure serious , murderous mist, gluttony, Rockhard +1 ac +4 moral, immune to fear, Sturdynes(range touch) as bulls strength but for const
5th x 5 commune with nature, wall of fire, earthlink (may stack two of the same spell) ,lords fire magnusx2
6th x 4 contagious touch, chain lightning,
7th x 3 lords fire augment, sever, greater lords fire augment- currently down
8th x 2 lordsfire shield,
Epic Spell: ????
items: alanthia berries x6 – recall one spell per berry (ANY level – must be druidical)
Old Lords
Lords Followers
Esharanson - Lord Aspirant
Lorewarden – 9th lvl, Hirebrand (wood only) 9 dust (d12)
Sandy brown hair, very bright blue eyes, Descended form woodhelvinin stock, His dad is from Usher Woodhelven, Very quick learner, taught by father,looks mid to late teens
Feats: Spell focus (wood), Greater spell focus (wood)
1st x5 woodhardern, entangle, woodshearts fire , warp woodx2
2nd x5 cure lightx4, barkskin
3rd x4 dust of sleepx2, enliven wood (adds temporary charges to wood items)
4th lvl x3: Rillinlore Wood Regenerate – must have rillinlure dust AND lomilore rod Acts as ring of regen, Rillinlure Heal x2
5th – Test of Truth