Of Men, Gods and Creation
In the beginning, there was formlessness. From this anarchy came the caretakers of the Harnian universe and all its sister universes. These caretakers saw to the calming of the chaos into shape and form. These were the Earthmasters. Whether the Earthmasters were created by the Gods, created the Gods, or simply guided the wandering First Tribe of Man to the space-time known as Kelestia is a mystery not spoken of by the powers. It is known that the Earthmasters stayed with the First Tribe for many millennia before continuing their travels.
While the Earthmasters stayed on Harn they helped to establish many fundamentals orders. The Earthmasters gave the magic of the world an intelligence and called it Genin. The Earthmasters created a wondrous assortment of flora and fauna and invited intelligent races from all dimensions to share in this beauty. The races flourished and the Age of Fables began. Evil had not touched the garden of Eden the Earthmasters had created for the First Tribe and the many kind races existing their.
Dagda, the Dozen King, looked upon the world and was dismayed. As ruler of his immortal tribe he saw no challenge in the coming eternity. One aspect of Dagda, the Achiever, could not allow this complacency to continue. That is when the Dark one, Satan, entered the world of Harn.
"The power in a balanced world is considerable as long as this balance is maintained. This world has nothing to balance out the beauty and light and thus the light is not as bright due to the lack of contrasting darkness." Satan proclaimed in Dagda's hunting lodge as the Gods gathered about him. "Let us establish a Crux on which the world shall stand. As long as the foundation upon which our power sits is balanced, your power will be limited only by your own desires."
"To balance our power against only you is folly. " stated Oghma, Bard of the Tribe.
"My evil brings power. You can become the forces of Light and Life and counter me. Are you not the first tribe? Your power will be increased in our bargain to match the evil I will bring." Satan countered.
"My Lord Dagda, to bargain with this one is folly. Use your power and that of your tribe to fight him. Our allies on this world will come to our aid and cast him out!" Oghma cried.
Here is where the woe of the world began and the birth of the Gods truly occurred. For before this time the Gods had no power beyond that of any superior mortal of today.
The Achiever aspect of the Dozen King spoke. " We shall not stand in opposition with the Lord of Lies. Our deal is this: The worlds shall be split asunder. A third shall go to the creatures of Light the Earthmasters have brought. A third shall be a haven for those who choose no allegiance to Light or Darkness. And a third shall be yours, Lord of Lies. You will stay in your realm as its Lord and can reap only what falls to you. To go beyond its boundaries or expand your realm will cause your destruction. Your realms power will be as great as you can make it but shall be in constant turmoil. To upset the balance will cause your doom."
"And your price?" Satan asked.
"Absolute power." Dagda said simply. "The power to attain all I can dream of and achieve all I hope for."
The Scholar aspect of Dagda saw that the deal had a flaw and amended it. "Also, I want you to insure that we can unmake this deal if ever we choose."
The lodge was hushed, stunned by this pronouncement. At long last, Satan smiled. "Done!"
Oghma saw this and cried, "You have doomed us, oh foolish King!"
"Oghma! You seem to cast doubt on my decisions so I cast you in the role of the Binder. You shall watch our partner and chronicle his maintenance of the deal."
And so it came to pass that the low spots of the earth were filled with hatred and anger. The Bloodstone which stored the souls of the damned Satan had collected was unleashed. The stone was blasted into three shards and the devils, demons and daemons danced. The shattering of this stone marked the first day of the Age of Man.
For on this day the aspect of Dagda the father procreated and the First Tribe of Man heard the wailing of its children. As Dagda and the other Gods explored their newfound powers their children were fruitful and multiplied with the Earthmasters help. Satan had fulfilled his bargain and the Gods power was limited only by their own will. But Oghma still watched and wondered.
One day Oghma entered Hell with Moriganna as a protector and asked the Lord of Hell, "When will you complete your bargain?".
"Dear Oghma, as I sit here on my throne so you can create any throne you wish. Is not our bargain fulfilled?"
"No, Liarlord, it is not. How do we unmake this deal should we choose?"
"Your children shall have the power to unmake our deal. Teach them of you forestlore and love of nature. In delving in these secrets the wisest shall find a way to unmake our deal. He shall be known as the Druid Grand. He, and his order, shall be my enemy for the domination of your children souls." Satan grinned. "The children of the first tribe are not part of our bargain and thus may fall under my influence."
"So, you shall collect the souls of our children. They cannot know of the many traps you will set for them. And when you hold all of our children under your sway we shall have no dreams. The First Tribe will die. We will all wither and die." Oghma wept a great flood of tears at this and wished greatly to forget the pain. Thus, the river Lethe was created.
Dagda the Dozen King's father aspect could not stand for his children to pass so. He begged the wise Earthmasters to save his children. They selected the best and most talented Bards and left the world of Harn for the stars. They also took with them the Artist aspect and Achiever aspect of the Dozen king as well as a handmaiden of Brigitt. This group of wanderers swore they would find an answer for this terrible curse.
Not all the Gods were pleased. Many thought the answer would lie in the achievements of the Druids. If the Druids could uncover a way to unmake the deal with the Word of Command, could they not challenge the Lord of Hell himself? They trusted in their children and feared the Earthmasters would change things to be too alien of their customs.
In Hell, Satan plotted. In Heaven, the angels watched warily. And on earth, mankind prepares to fight for what was and a dream of what could be.
And then the Priests of Syrinx returned....
The Twelve Aspects of Dagda
The King of all Celts began life as a schizophrenic. It was a mild case and not deabilitating. On the contrary, each personality had a different focus in life and was gifted in a specific area. Upon being risen to a God status this was manifested further by the actual creation of twelve seperate entities. They are not always in synch with each other as is normal for people with conflicting personalities. The following are the twelve aspects of Dagda the dozen king.
Ruler aspect - Hold audiences, makes general policy
Benefactor aspect - Grants miracles
Achiever aspect - Strives for more and greater, Works with Priests of Syrinx, "Old One"
Father aspect - Protects children of First tribe
Artist aspect - Creates and admires works of art, also with Priests of Syrinx
Warrior aspect - Overseer of battlefields
Child aspect - Innocence and playfulness of King
Scholar aspect - Loremaster and seer
Beast aspect - Dark side of man, ravening and murdering lunatic
Priests of Syrinx
"The Otherin"
Highly advanced techno-mages & reality shapers bent on restructring all realities to their goal. That goal is to assiimilate and conquer all races of man and bring about the Second Age of Fables <2112>.
Standard Immunities:
Psionics (Class VI) ESP Know Alignment Detect Lie
Detect Charm Detect Good/Evil/Balance Charm
Ovate Abilities:
All of the following abilities may be combined in a song (any or all) per round of singing. Each has a certain techno-energy cost listed.