Standard DRs, etc
The DR for the wood represents the amount of damage that must be exceeded for any damage to occur to the wooden plank. The "hits" are the number of points of damage in a 50 cm circle of wood if attacked by a non-impaling weapon. An impaling weapon would make a hole only slightly larger than it is.
- 1 cm: 1 DR 4 Hits
- 2 cm: 2 DR 8 Hits, -10% cost, thinnest for practically any vessel
- 3 cm: 2 DR 12 Hits, -8% cost
- 4 cm: 3 DR 16 Hits, -5% cost
- 5 cm: 4 DR 20 Hits, standard for shipbuilding
- 6 cm: 5 DR 24 Hits, +15% cost
- 8 cm: 6 DR 32 Hits, +35% cost
- 10 cm: 6 DR 40 Hits, +65% cost
- 12 cm: 6 DR 48 Hits, +100% cost
All of this information lacks geographic context. The costs assume that you are in the area that actually produces this type of wood. Transport will increase these costs.
- Alloemor Try: +10% Hits, fire-resistant, +20% cost.
- Oec,
- Blac: standard
- Hwiet: standard
- Swomp: densest oec, +1 DR, +10% hits, +45% cost
- Ieurn Wood: very rare, +4 DR, +50% hits, unknown cost.
- Shyld Borc: very rare, +3 DR, +40% hits, unknown cost.
- Pien,
In general, piens and furs are softer woods than the oex. Therefore, they all have 1 DR less (min. 1, max. 5) and 10% fewer hits. On the plus side, they are substantially cheaper, being more plentiful. In general, they take 15% off of the cost of a vessel. You could combine this with thinner woods, but the result may not be as sturdy as one would wish.
- Silvurd:
- Horvest:
- Long Nydl:
- Hush Hwind:
- Tor: produces the tars most oftin used for caulks and seams
- Fur,
- Motld:
- Lietnyng:
- Blue:
- Fyris:
- Gilruet,
- Yelloe: thu sap uv this plant iz yelloe in culur and uesful in glues.
- Sescyn,
- Claud: best use is for masts given its great size.
- Roc: a very dense and strong wood, +1 DR, +20% Hits, +65% cost
- Blac: this wood driez in such u wae soe ez tue hav blac vaens ugenst u grae bacgraund.
- Delf,
- Hevy: oftin uezd foer corvyng bycuz uv its density.
- Hord: denser than roc sescyn, +2 DR, +25% Hits, +75% cost
- Tyc,
- Wotur: very dense, doesn't float in water. +1 DR, +15% Hits, +45% cost
- Vaend: u very buetifuly culurd wood with rich graen. It iz oftin uezed foer corvyng bycuz uv this fact end bycuz it iz dens ynuf tue hoeld fien dytael.
- Ryfwood,
- Clyr: propurly oild end trytid, this alredy liet wood cen by maed transperint. It haz sum propurtys thet maec it supyryur tue glas. Thu furst iz thet it rycuvurs frum moest scratchiz bycuz uv its ryzilyins. Thu secund iz thet it cen by maed flexibl foer u pyryud uv tiem, and thu thurd iz thet it floets. Its maejur problem iz its scersity. Unflod clyr ryfwood iz dificult tue fiend.
- Mendoer,
Gryn: uezd tue maec meny straenj objects bycuz it cen be shaepd
very ysily hwen gryn and hwen drie and sysund, it rytaens that shaep.
- Blac: this iz thu blacist uv ol woods, shoeyng noe graen et ol. Hwen polishd, it taecs on u jem-liec glos.
Present day woods
Alder .42 -.68
Apple .66-.84
Ash .65-.85
Balsa .11-.14
Bamboo .31-.40
Basswood .32-.59
Beech .70-.90
Birch .51-.77
Blue Gum .1.0
Box .95-1.16
Butternut .38
Cedar .49-.57
Cherry .70-.90
Dogwood .76
Ebony 1.11-1.33
Elm .54-.60
Hickory .60-.93
Holly .76
Juniper .56
Lorch .50-.56
Lignum Vitae 1.17-1.33
Locust .67-.71
Logwood .91
Honduras .66
Spanish .85
Maple .62-.75
Oak .60-.90
Pear .61-.73
Pitch .83-.85
Whitel .35-.50
Yellow .37-.60
Plum .66-.78
Poplar .35-.50
Satinwood .95
Spruce .48-.70
Sycamore .40-.60
Indian .66-.88
African .98
Walnut .64-.70
Water Gum 1.00
Willow .40-.60