Standard DRs, etc

The DR for the wood represents the amount of damage that must be exceeded for any damage to occur to the wooden plank. The "hits" are the number of points of damage in a 50 cm circle of wood if attacked by a non-impaling weapon. An impaling weapon would make a hole only slightly larger than it is.



All of this information lacks geographic context. The costs assume that you are in the area that actually produces this type of wood. Transport will increase these costs. Present day woods

Alder .42 -.68
Apple .66-.84
Ash .65-.85
Balsa .11-.14
Bamboo .31-.40
Basswood .32-.59
Beech .70-.90
Birch .51-.77
Blue Gum .1.0
Box .95-1.16
Butternut .38
Cedar .49-.57
Cherry .70-.90
Dogwood .76
Ebony 1.11-1.33
Elm .54-.60
Hickory .60-.93
Holly .76
Juniper .56
Lorch .50-.56
Lignum Vitae 1.17-1.33
Locust .67-.71
Logwood .91
Honduras .66
Spanish .85
Maple .62-.75
Oak .60-.90
Pear .61-.73
Pine Pitch .83-.85
Whitel .35-.50
Yellow .37-.60
Plum .66-.78
Poplar .35-.50
Satinwood .95
Spruce .48-.70
Sycamore .40-.60
Indian .66-.88
African .98
Walnut .64-.70
Water Gum 1.00
Willow .40-.60