Terrain Modifier
Soft or muddy ground +4
Thick brush, vines, or reeds +3
Occasional signs of passage, dust +2
Normal ground, wood floor 0
Rocky ground or shallow water -10
Every two creatures in the group +1
Every 12 hours since trail was made -1
Every hour of rain, snow, or sleet -5
Poor lighting (moon or starlight) -6
Tracked party attempts to hide trail -5
ID uncommon=5th lvl ID rare=7th lvl
The modifiers in Table 39 are cumulative--total the modifiers for all conditions that apply and combine that with the tracker's Wisdom score to get the modified chance to track.
To track a creature, the character must first find the trail. Indoors, the tracker must have seen the creature in the last 30 minutes and must begin tracking from the place last seen. Outdoors, the tracker must either have seen the creature, have eyewitness reports of its recent movement ("Yup, we saw them orcs just high-tail it up that trail there not but yesterday."), or must have obvious evidence that the creature is in the area (such as a well-used game trail). If these conditions are met, a proficiency check is rolled. Success means a trail has been found. Failure means no trail has been found. Another attempt cannot be made until the above conditions are met again under different circumstances.
Once the trail is found, additional proficiency checks are rolled for
the following situations:
• The chance to track decreases (terrain, rain, creatures leaving
the group, darkness, etc.).
• A second track crosses the first.
• The party resumes tracking after a halt (to rest, eat, fight,
Once the tracker fails a proficiency check, another check can
be rolled after spending at least one hour searching the area for new signs.
If this check is failed, no further attempts can be made. If several trackers
are following a trail, a +1 bonus is added to the ability score of the
most adept tracker. Once he loses the trail, it is lost to all.
If the modifiers lower the chance to track below 0 (for example, the
modifiers are -11 and the character's Wisdom is 10), the trail is totally
lost to that character and further tracking is impossible (even if the
chance later improves). Other characters may be able to continue tracking,
but that character cannot.
A tracking character can also attempt to identify the type of
creatures being followed and the approximate number by rolling a proficiency
check. All the normal tracking modifiers apply. One identifying check can
be rolled each time a check is rolled to follow the trail. A successful
check identifies the creatures (provided the character has some knowledge
of that type of creature) and gives a rough estimate of their numbers.
Just how accurate this estimate is depends on the DM.
When following a trail, the character (and those with him) must slow down, the speed depending on the character's modified chance to track as found from Table 39.
Table 40:
Movement While Tracking
Chance to Track Movement Rate
1-6 ¼ normal
7-14 ¼ normal
14 or greater 3/4 normal
In the earlier example, Thule has a modified tracking chance of
9, so he moves at ½ his normal movement rate.
Tumbling: The character is practiced in all manner of acrobatics--dives,
rolls, somersaults, handstands, flips, etc. Tumbling can only be performed
while burdened with light encumbrance or less. Aside from entertaining,
the character with tumbling proficiency can improve his Armor Class by
4 against attacks directed solely at him in any round of combat, provided
he has the initiative and foregoes all attacks that round. When in unarmed
combat he can improve his attack roll by 2.
On a successful proficiency check, he suffers only one-half the normal
damage from falls of 60 feet or less and none from falls of 10 feet or
less. Falls from greater heights result in normal damage.
Ventriloquism: The character has learned the secrets of "throwing his
voice." Although not actually making sound come from somewhere else (like
the spell), the character can deceive others into believing this to be
so. When using ventriloquism, the supposed source of the sound must be
relatively close to the character. The nature of the speaking object and
the intelligence of those watching can modify the character's chance of
success. If the character makes an obviously inanimate object talk (a book,
mug, etc.), a -5 penalty is applied to his ability score. If a believable
source (a PC or NPC) is made to appear to speak, a +2 bonus is added to
his ability score. The observer's intelligence modifies this as follows:
Intelligence Modifier
less than 3 +6
3-5 +4
6-8 +2
15-16 -1
17-18 -2
19+ -4
A successful proficiency check means the character has successfully
deceived his audience. One check must be made for every sentence or response.
The character is limited to sounds he could normally make (thus, the roar
of a lion is somewhat beyond him).
Since ventriloquism relies on deception, people's knowledge of
speech, and assumptions about what should and shouldn't talk, it is effective
only on intelligent creatures. Thus, it has no effect on animals and the
like. Furthermore, the audience must be watching the character since part
of the deception is visual ("Hey, his lips don't move!"). Using ventriloquism
to get someone to look behind him does not work, since the voice is not
actually behind him (this requires the ventriloquism spell). All but those
with the gullibility of children realize what is truly happening. They
may be amused--or they may not be.
make it by:
0-3: direction traveling, animal or human like, shoed or unshoed
4-7: ID type if common, small, man sized, or large
8-11: ID animal type (5th=u 7th=r); run or walk; weight range
12-15: close weight, encumberance, relative speed, hunting prey?, are
feet usable as weopons?, if outdoors & foliage, can tell if passed
at night or day, w/ animal lore check may tell if this is animals' teritory
16-19: relative agility; type of shoe (if from area, may tell city
where shoe made); damage done by claws, (at 7th lvl may tell strength and
herbivor vs carnivor); 20% chance they dropped something
20-23: particular cobbler if seen before (IQ check to remember), exact
weight, fighter class?, ranger?, tracking?, can tell if prey
was attempting to avoid being spotted, travelling w/ someone who doesn't
leave tracks, male vs female (3rd level)
24-28: approx level of fighter, how many weopons & type carried,
bow vs boomerang etc, how many arms, tell if creature was invisible, tell
how wounded, how close to shelter, unnatural creature?
29-32: +5 on additional checks w/ creature, requires 5 hours tracking
then: wisdom check to guess where prey is trying to get to, wisdom
check to guess exactly where creature will rest or camp next, can tell
const and endurance, emotional state of creature, type of food, if Greyhawkian
(ranger & prey) can tell preys religion